Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Mob final paper

There are many different issues that social networking brings.  Social networks have become part of our daily routine.  We are addicted to them, 175 million people log onto face book every day, on top of 50 million tweets per day. (Business  Social networking is an issue that has increased massively over the years.  Some say that it has got worse because technology has gotten better.   Does being able to connect to anyone through social networks increase the behaviors of the users?  Or is the ability to be anonymous allows us to think we can do and say what we want? There are all different types of social networking.  If a young mind is exposed to this fast acting social networking world it seem the more curious they become. 
Technology has made it possible to not only use social networks through computers but also though phones.  Some people say technology is to blame for it all.  People feel the need to have a face book and tweet because it keeps them in the loop.  However, many issues arise from these networks.  If people have no boundaries, and anyone can connect to anyone problems are bound to occur.  What people don’t realize is almost 35 percent of arguments online are because of misinterpretations. (Suit  Because people are not able to hear how the person may be saying something, or because they do not know if certain things are jokes are not many problems arise from this.  Some problems may occur because of a conflict of interests.  If someone sees something on someone else’s face book, formspring me or twitter, that they do not agree with, for example, religious beliefs, or even statuses, people may say something, which escalates into arguments.  From experience and research it seems that more of the issues are with people that already know each other, and people to connect to random people are mainly to find similar interests. 
We have heard of several issues over the news about cyber bullying.  It is when someone or a group of people are basically being bullied and ridiculed on social networks.  Up until several years ago did this issue really take off.   Teenagers will tease make fun of, and judge people through social networks.  Have teenagers gotten smarter?  Or has technology?  Now if a person is being bullied most of the time they do not know who the person is.  It use to be through our own names and if we were caught then we were caught.  Today people will make up fake names/users and do the same thing.  We now can say and do things anonymously.  There are at least four examples in the United States where cyber-bullying has been linked to the suicide of a teenager, researchers say there are tons more but unfortunately not reported.  (Make a  We can stalk people through face book; find out what they like, who they talk to, and where they may be going.  When teens were asked why they think others cyber bully, 81 percent said that cyber bullies think it’s funny. (Suit  Sadly there has been a recent case in South Hadley Mass.  A 15 year old, Prince, he moved last year to the area from Ireland. While making the transition to a new town and a new country, Prince, officials believe, became the target of intense cyber-bullying, which may have contributed to her apparent suicide.  (CBS News)  These social networks have made us cowards.  It lets us say things we can’t do it person. It gives kids something in common, some do it because they think it’s cool, some do it just because they do not like someone. 
            People have yet to see how damaging and dangerous social networks can be.  Sometimes I think there should be a age limit on them, but that’s out of our control.  Bullying through social networks occur every day.  Most because of jealousy and are between people who know each other.  Very few are because we are allowed to connect with anyone.  Being allowed to connect to anyone we want creates deeper issues such as beliefs.  Social networking arguments, fights, and bullying may be because of misinterpretations.  The question still stands, is this because technology is making it able for us to be whoever we want?  Or are teenagers leaning their way through computers more?  Young minds need to be protected from this fast acting technology age. 


  1. I like that you touch on different aspects involving this topic. Rather than sticking with one major idea, you use multiple ideas to provide evidence on your opinion.

    I also touched on the use of cell phones. I did not specifically talk about social networking on cell phones, but I talked about the connectivity it provides, and its dangers. I like how you narrowed that down and provided a good example of how technology is advancing. We can be connected on these social networking sites anywhere.

    Tying your ides into cyber bulling was smart as well. It shows the negative outcomes of this anonymous connectivity that is provided to us.

    I feel like you answered each question provided in "The Mob" topic. The only question I have is, do you think the connectivity is heading in the right direction, or do you see future problems? Your conclusion states its positives and negatives, but I want to know what you think about it.

  2. I actually read your paper and you are right we touched upon the same things. The answer to your question in my comment is, I do not think it is heading in the right direction. I am honestly scared of where technology and social networks are taking us. Before I came to college I never had computer classes, I was terrible at computers, here everything is on computers. If in the last 3 years things have changed this much I am scared how it will be in the next 5 years.
