Monday, September 20, 2010

discussion questions

1. I belive that amateur productions will continie to grow and be seen beause many people enjoy them and it also gives bigger companies a jump off start to other and bigger ideas.  I do not think it will hurt professionals because we know that it is done by professionals, we expect the best.  Even if it is not the best we go to see it anyways.  No amateur production will reach the qualitiy of a professional.  Amatuer productions may get better but I believe mainly because of the technology. 

2. I use facebook the most.  It is fun and you can check and see what your friends or what other people are doing.  It gives me a chance to keep in touch with friends from home and my family.  I have used facebook and myspace and personally, facebook is ten times better.  The security on facebook is alot better than myspace ever was.  I feel as if myspace was a little amatuer because it was more something you could play with while facebook is just a convienent  way for people to keep in touch. 

3. The term transparency is important because it connects to communication which is how things get known.   It almost impplies honesty.  In the online world the same rule should apply.   We should not lie.  An example that comes to mind that somewhat connects to this is Wikepedia, because kids and go into it and change whatever they want.  I think that transparenct is more imporant in the offline world.  As said before it connects to communication.  To survive in this world we have to communicate everyone had their own way but we all do it .  Showing people how open you are and how willing you are to communicate shows alot about yourself.  

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