Monday, September 27, 2010

The mob paper 1

Cyber bullying has been an issue that has increased massively over the years.  Some say that it has got worse because technology has gotten better.  We now can say and do things anonymously.  We can stalk people through face book; find out what they like, who they talk to, and where they may be gong.  Does being able to connect more through social networks increase the behaviors of the users?  Or is the ability to be anonymous allows us to think we can do and say what we want?  These social networks have made us cowards.  It lets us say things we can’t do it person.  There are all different types of social networking, for all different ages. 
Millions of people use social networking.  It can not only be used on computers but technology has made it possible to have it on our phones.   Some people say that technology is to blame for people’s behaviors.  It is an addiction. 

Being able to be anonymous has absolutely created issues over the internet.  Social networks have allowed people to be cruel.  It has no penalties.  Or so people think.  In school we can’t say bad things to people because they will tell.  Online people think that they are protected but they can actually be arrested for cyber bullying.  Up until a few years ago this was not well known.  People did not know that they could get in so much trouble for saying things to people on social networks.  Now that this has got around and people know the trouble they can be in they now remain anonymous.   New technology and new networks have learned from their pasts.  Kids can now create fake names and or like Formspring me, write and ask mean, rude, and hurtful things while being anonymous. 
We ask if being able to be more connected to people create more issues as well.   I however do not believe being able to be friends with people all over the world can create issues.  The main issues that I can see happeneing is to do with amount of friends people have.  Some find it a compition to have more friends than one another. 
(obviously not done yet )

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