Monday, December 6, 2010


Neuromarketing: To understand what consumer thinks, interviews and focus groups are used.  Ad companies try to fit their ad to who they are aiming it at.  They will interview that age group to find out.  This helps the ad companies give the consumers what they want.  Example: a car commercial for the kia soul, they have rap music to persuade teenagers that this car is cool. 

Emotional Branding: Basically it is how it sounds, looks at emotion of the consumer and how they feel about it.  Like companies tend to choose certain colors or distinct looks to persuade a answer to buy it.

Branding/ creating culture around it: Here you create an identity this is where a catchy slogan needs to be put into mind of the consumers.  For example, state farm commercials have a gingle, "like a good neighbor state farm is there"

Narrowcasting: There are different ways to get to different typed of people, one person may like the statefarm commercials but another may think its annoying.  Different commercials are customized for different people.  For example i have see two different birth control commercials but for the same pill.  One has singing in it the other doesnt. 

Rhetorical Marketing:This is where bringing the consumer in must happen, must convince and make sure their product or whatever they are advertising seems reliable.  Also of medicine commercials relate to this.  They have to bring the consumer in but also must tell them the risks of the medicine, still trying to make their medicine seem the best and most reliable to take. 

Under the radar marketing: It is like it sounds, it is radar under the market not really used regularly but somtimes is. 

Across media marketing:  This is to advertise and market everywhere it is made for all types of adversiting.  Could appear in more than one place and different types of ads.  For example commericals for makeup are always on tv but i also always see them in magazines as well, and most of them are the same product. 

Product Placement across media:  Almost like across media marketing it offers mroe appeal to the product.  They are well placed sometimes for certain reasons.Alot of this is done in movies.  Many ads take place in movies.  For example, some actor or actress can be drinking a soda or a beverage of their choice while also carrying their favorite stores bag.  Therefore adversiting that soda and that store. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Internet and Democracy 7 questions

Based on this debate and previous readings What Definition of democracy do you feel is most fitting for us to use in-conjunction our growing reliance and integration of digital networked technologies?

1.       I think a straight forward democracy fits the most in a growing reliance and integration of digital networked technologies.  Democracy is a society that comes together to share ideas and issues and base their choices off those ideas. Which is what Jimmy Wales somewhat says.  The internet allows us to connect with other.  It lets us interact with people right away and faster.  We can get a response in seconds instead of waiting a week for a letter or mail.

How does your answer to #1 fit into the unchecked nature of Web 2.0 technologies, and what are some tangible examples of this? Do you feel this is an important issue that needs to be addressed further?
2.       This fits into the unchecked nature of web 2.0 because like I said the definition best fits self regulation of internet.  Tangible examples are websites like facebook.  When a group or a society meets they share ideas.  Because of anonymity on the internet people can share, show and say whatever they want even if it becomes a problem.  I think this is a problem because the internet is causing more and bigger issues than face to face confrontations.  The internet and facebook allows people to say and do what they want. 
Define and describe the phenomenon of the Media echo-chamber as described in the Internet Debates. What are some examples of this silo effect, and do you believe it is an issue that needs to be addressed? Why or Why not?
3.       The phenomenon of the media echo-chamber is when people view reports and news an may only interact with people who share the same views.  An echo-chamber or a silo is when people may feel certain ways about things and only look for information that can support and back up what they may believe.  Example of this might be conservatives.  They only get news from fox news because it is considered to be more conservative media.  I believe that this is an issue that needs to be looked at.  People need to view things from all angles and different points of view.  If we only look at the things we agree with, we are missing other facts and information that may expand out learning and persuade us. 

What are some ways that expertise and authority could be (or is being) enforced on the internet? Who would be behind these forces? Why do you believe are they are needed or not needed?
4.       There are several different ways that expertise and authority could be enforced on the internet.  One way is information websites like Wikipedia and  People can go in and change information on Wikipedia, no one actually knows if the information is credible or correct.  On, it is a website created for people to ask questions and get answers.  Some answers seem valid but others don’t.  It is somewhat like a blog.  Another way could be if websites like facebook were regulated and checked on.  Things could be deleted whenever it was necessary.  Site owners are the people that could enforce this authority on the internet.  I don’t think this is needed.  I think that most people on these sites are old enough to know right from wrong and true from fiction.  However, and age limit for several websites should be mandatory, I believe. 
Give a through example of an adaptation or improvement made by a of a social, political, or cultural group, government, business or individual to keep up with changing nature of the internet.
6. One example could be different businesses and companies trying to keep up with changing technologies, and others.  The internet is constantly making upgrades. Facebook and itunes are constantly being upgraded.  So many people are on the internet that small businesses have even made websites because they believe it is the best way to get their business across.  My mother is a website designer and many small businesses and car dealer ships have asked her to make a website for them.

 Is democracy threatened by the unchecked nature of the internet?
7.  I really do not believe that democracy is threatened by the internet.  Computers and the internet support democracy by helping people come together and socialize to make choices and ideas.  The internet allows us to communicate faster and in different ways.  Internet fives us accesses to all different types of information.  A democracy is when people have say.  Only if the internet was checked would out democracy be threatened. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Web 2.0

1. Democrotized media is argued to be beneificial or not.  Keen argues defending the mainstreem media, that is had recently becoma a "punching bag" for libertarians on left and right or people who he says have no repsepct for authority. and are examples that he mentions of democratized media where many of the work published does not go through a middle man, therefore not having much filter.  He states that we do not have the typical economy for this to happen and that we need the middle man.  Keen also says that the core of the media is being able to find/advertise human talent, and the only way of finding other human talent is with human talent.  The unfiltered media that is being published is now corrupting our society because we are too easily impressed by anonymous people.  If there is no credibilty why should we trust it?  Better yet why do we?

2. Social media is something that defines the 21st century says keen.  Its something that people can look  back on for how the 21st century exsisted.  Keen suggests that the main idea of web 2.0 is to be more of "superficial observations of the world around us rather than considered judgement.  Ruskoff somewhat portrays that idea.  He does explain the benefits of these mediums, like the public schools, kids from poor communities, are benefiting from technology because it makes them more eager to learn.  He also belives that games like world of war craft are supposedly conecting people all over the world.  After these conclusions i have realized that these people are undoubtibly addicted to the internet.  By applying keens theory of social media we can interpret that our society is fixated on the digital world and all the shortcuts offered.  One can say that it may not be good to look back on this generation. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stephanie Robinett is my partner

I really enjoyed her paper.  We have alot of the same ideas in common.  You say
 " If the young brain is exposed from the beginning to a world of fast action and reaction, of instant screen images flashing up with the press of a key, such rapid interchange might familiarize the brain to operate over such timescales" 

I actually say the same thing in my paper, differntly said though.  I liked how as did i you foccussed on all differnent social networks and not jsut one.  You did a good job not sounding as if you are trying to push your opinion on someone which is a big plus.
" Communication is one of the most important devices we have as humans"
I totally agree with this once again i think i put someting like this in my paper.  I like how you inluded texting becuase i believe that texting is actually where this all started, texting is what started the communication not face to face.  I put a comment of your paper I didnt know i had to put it on my post.  But over all we have alot of the same positions and how they are affecting society.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Mob final paper

There are many different issues that social networking brings.  Social networks have become part of our daily routine.  We are addicted to them, 175 million people log onto face book every day, on top of 50 million tweets per day. (Business  Social networking is an issue that has increased massively over the years.  Some say that it has got worse because technology has gotten better.   Does being able to connect to anyone through social networks increase the behaviors of the users?  Or is the ability to be anonymous allows us to think we can do and say what we want? There are all different types of social networking.  If a young mind is exposed to this fast acting social networking world it seem the more curious they become. 
Technology has made it possible to not only use social networks through computers but also though phones.  Some people say technology is to blame for it all.  People feel the need to have a face book and tweet because it keeps them in the loop.  However, many issues arise from these networks.  If people have no boundaries, and anyone can connect to anyone problems are bound to occur.  What people don’t realize is almost 35 percent of arguments online are because of misinterpretations. (Suit  Because people are not able to hear how the person may be saying something, or because they do not know if certain things are jokes are not many problems arise from this.  Some problems may occur because of a conflict of interests.  If someone sees something on someone else’s face book, formspring me or twitter, that they do not agree with, for example, religious beliefs, or even statuses, people may say something, which escalates into arguments.  From experience and research it seems that more of the issues are with people that already know each other, and people to connect to random people are mainly to find similar interests. 
We have heard of several issues over the news about cyber bullying.  It is when someone or a group of people are basically being bullied and ridiculed on social networks.  Up until several years ago did this issue really take off.   Teenagers will tease make fun of, and judge people through social networks.  Have teenagers gotten smarter?  Or has technology?  Now if a person is being bullied most of the time they do not know who the person is.  It use to be through our own names and if we were caught then we were caught.  Today people will make up fake names/users and do the same thing.  We now can say and do things anonymously.  There are at least four examples in the United States where cyber-bullying has been linked to the suicide of a teenager, researchers say there are tons more but unfortunately not reported.  (Make a  We can stalk people through face book; find out what they like, who they talk to, and where they may be going.  When teens were asked why they think others cyber bully, 81 percent said that cyber bullies think it’s funny. (Suit  Sadly there has been a recent case in South Hadley Mass.  A 15 year old, Prince, he moved last year to the area from Ireland. While making the transition to a new town and a new country, Prince, officials believe, became the target of intense cyber-bullying, which may have contributed to her apparent suicide.  (CBS News)  These social networks have made us cowards.  It lets us say things we can’t do it person. It gives kids something in common, some do it because they think it’s cool, some do it just because they do not like someone. 
            People have yet to see how damaging and dangerous social networks can be.  Sometimes I think there should be a age limit on them, but that’s out of our control.  Bullying through social networks occur every day.  Most because of jealousy and are between people who know each other.  Very few are because we are allowed to connect with anyone.  Being allowed to connect to anyone we want creates deeper issues such as beliefs.  Social networking arguments, fights, and bullying may be because of misinterpretations.  The question still stands, is this because technology is making it able for us to be whoever we want?  Or are teenagers leaning their way through computers more?  Young minds need to be protected from this fast acting technology age. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

The mob paper 1

Cyber bullying has been an issue that has increased massively over the years.  Some say that it has got worse because technology has gotten better.  We now can say and do things anonymously.  We can stalk people through face book; find out what they like, who they talk to, and where they may be gong.  Does being able to connect more through social networks increase the behaviors of the users?  Or is the ability to be anonymous allows us to think we can do and say what we want?  These social networks have made us cowards.  It lets us say things we can’t do it person.  There are all different types of social networking, for all different ages. 
Millions of people use social networking.  It can not only be used on computers but technology has made it possible to have it on our phones.   Some people say that technology is to blame for people’s behaviors.  It is an addiction. 

Being able to be anonymous has absolutely created issues over the internet.  Social networks have allowed people to be cruel.  It has no penalties.  Or so people think.  In school we can’t say bad things to people because they will tell.  Online people think that they are protected but they can actually be arrested for cyber bullying.  Up until a few years ago this was not well known.  People did not know that they could get in so much trouble for saying things to people on social networks.  Now that this has got around and people know the trouble they can be in they now remain anonymous.   New technology and new networks have learned from their pasts.  Kids can now create fake names and or like Formspring me, write and ask mean, rude, and hurtful things while being anonymous. 
We ask if being able to be more connected to people create more issues as well.   I however do not believe being able to be friends with people all over the world can create issues.  The main issues that I can see happeneing is to do with amount of friends people have.  Some find it a compition to have more friends than one another. 
(obviously not done yet )

Monday, September 20, 2010

discussion questions

1. I belive that amateur productions will continie to grow and be seen beause many people enjoy them and it also gives bigger companies a jump off start to other and bigger ideas.  I do not think it will hurt professionals because we know that it is done by professionals, we expect the best.  Even if it is not the best we go to see it anyways.  No amateur production will reach the qualitiy of a professional.  Amatuer productions may get better but I believe mainly because of the technology. 

2. I use facebook the most.  It is fun and you can check and see what your friends or what other people are doing.  It gives me a chance to keep in touch with friends from home and my family.  I have used facebook and myspace and personally, facebook is ten times better.  The security on facebook is alot better than myspace ever was.  I feel as if myspace was a little amatuer because it was more something you could play with while facebook is just a convienent  way for people to keep in touch. 

3. The term transparency is important because it connects to communication which is how things get known.   It almost impplies honesty.  In the online world the same rule should apply.   We should not lie.  An example that comes to mind that somewhat connects to this is Wikepedia, because kids and go into it and change whatever they want.  I think that transparenct is more imporant in the offline world.  As said before it connects to communication.  To survive in this world we have to communicate everyone had their own way but we all do it .  Showing people how open you are and how willing you are to communicate shows alot about yourself.  

Friday, September 17, 2010

Second Photoshop Assignment

Although this isn't to complex, i have learned a lot.  This only took me 20 minutes while last time it took me about 3 hours to just figure how to add a photo.  

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

McLuhan Final assignment Photoshop

What I a trying to say here is that the world is starting to rely to much on technology.  I mainly focussed on Skype because it is used world wide and it being able to keep people in touch all over the world.  In the worlds eyes technology is a priority.  Its in our hands how, when, and where we use it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Photo shop

I am not yet done with this but I have about 70percent of it complete.  I plan to add a little more and use photoshop tools to add more to it and make it more unique.  I am trying to show that skype and (technology) is becoming more than a big part of our world.  Society has made it so we can not physically make it a day without technology.  Skype i wanted to be the center piece because it is a video chat that is known world wide and use world wide. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Photoshop assignment part one

Within the last four years skype as become a main user throughout America.  It allows people to communicate all over the world.  It does not just allow people to video you can also IM chat.  It has games, and you can call landline numbers, or just call a friend if you dont want them to see you in a video chat. 
The Medium (skype) provides people to keep in touch all over the world. 
Some of its content consits off, text, communication, video, games, images, audio, and so on.  Every year skype is updated and something knew it added to it.  As of March 2010 skype was added to blackberry. 
Some of these messages would be: 1. Always being able to communicate with people, even far away.  2. Cell phones are no longer needed to talk to someone, you can call a landline number through skype.  3.  Because skype is improving every year, people will have no choice but to keep up with the new technology be given to us.   4.  Finally, you will be able to communicate and chat without having to be in public. 

Skype is becoming more and more used every year.  People are relying more on video chatting rather than calling someone on the phone to talk.  It also allows you to have your phone free, so if you are skyping you can still text as well.  It is a multitasker that we have to get use to.  But everyday we need to be able to keep up with Americas fast pase technology, skype is a perfect way.  You need to be able to keep up with it to know how to use it. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

McLuhan Assignment

The Ipad is a new source of media. It combines a lot. It has internet, and books that can be put on it to read. It is almost everything in one.
The 3d television is something that is still in progress. It has just been announced this year and a small portion has been sold. This new media will show people real life movies and television shows.
Skype is a new source that keeps people from all over the world connected. I have acquired this only about a year ago but it is said that a new and better Skype will be coming out soon. This media will continue to grow me and more, when Skype makes its improvements.